Demographic Deception

Exposing the Overpopulation Myth and Building a Resilient Future


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In 2022, demographers at the United Nations announced that the global human population had surpassed 8 billion people. Headline after headline repeated what most of us already believed: Our numbers were spiraling under control, threatening the health of our planet and everything on it.

A close examination of key data like fertility rates and median age reveals that the opposite is true. We’re not in danger of overpopulation—it’s underpopulation we should be worrying about!

Aging and declining populations will herald massive changes. Some could be positive, like lower carbon emissions and reduced demand for limited resources. But plummeting populations could also portend serious economic upheaval caused by too few working-age people producing too few goods and services. 

How the effects of aging and declining populations play out will depend on how well we prepare. But we can’t plan for these changes if no one knows they’re coming. 

That’s the purpose of Demographic Deception: Exposing the Overpopulation Myth and Building a Resilient Future: to warn leaders and everyday citizens of our real population problem, and to offer critical insights and ideas to solve it.

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